Whether you’re just starting medical school, interning at a medical facility, or an aspiring resident doctor, it’s vital to carry adequate medical malpractice insurance. Medical schools can also purchase malpractice insurance to cover their students.
Medical student malpractice insurance is a small investment to protect a medical student from costly lawsuits. In the course of working with patients, there is always the chance of a mistake. Medical malpractice insurance as well as any physician malpractice insurance will cover legal fees if a student is sued for medical malpractice while working in a medical facility. It will also cover a judgement in the case that the student is discovered to be at fault.
Whether you’re just starting medical school, interning at a medical facility, or a resident doctor, it’s vital to carry adequate medical malpractice insurance. Most US medical schools provide malpractice insurance to cover their students, so it's important to ask your institution first, before shopping for coverage.
Medical student malpractice insurance is a small investment to protect a medical student from costly lawsuits. In the course of working with patients, there is always the chance of a mistake. Medical malpractice insurance will cover legal fees if a student is sued for medical malpractice while working in a medical facility. It will also cover a judgement in the case that the student is discovered to be at fault.
A medical student should check with their school to see if they provide them coverage or if they are required to purchse it on their own.
For most
medical students coming to the US to continue their training, they are often required to purchase their own medical malpractice insurance.
When medical students purchase malpractice insurance coverage, there are serveral considerations taken into account, including where the student is studying medicine, the area of study, length of coverage needed, and limits of liability. Every insurance provider has their own set of variables that they look at.
If you need coverage and would like a free quote, we have a self-serve student portal that you can use. We will provide you with a free quote based on your situation and you can then decide if you would like to purchase coverage.
At Nexus Insurance Services, we understand that students like you have many costs associated with attending medical school.
Searching for an insurance provider that will cover students can also be time-consuming.
Because of our relationships with a variety of carriers, you can count on us to help you get affordable coverage quickly.
Visit our professional liability insurance blog to find more about professional malpractice insurance and liability insurance.
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