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Workers Compensation

Workers' Compensation Insurance

Professional liability insurance

Protect yourself and your career


What Is Workers' Comp Insurance?

Workers' compensation insurance covers any injuries, death, or work-related sickness of your employees. As an employer, you are liable for anything that happens at your workplace, even if the employee is at fault. Workers' compensation insurance covers lost wages, medical expenses, and rehabilitation costs to employees who are injured or become ill while doing their job. For employees who are killed on the job, it also pays death benefits to families of employees.

Does Every Business Need Workers' Compensation Insurance?

Most states require employers to carry workers' compensation insurance. However, if you’re a small business you may be exempt, depending on your company's size, structure, and the state in which you are located.

If you are a new business owner, it’s important to know the workers' compensation insurance laws for your individual state as the law can vary greatly between states.

How Much Does Workers' Comp Insurance Cost?

Workers' compensation insurance varies according to the industry you work in and the state in which you conduct business. Each state determines and approves the base rate of workers' insurance, which is then typically adjusted based on the frequency of on-the-job injuries and the severity of injuries. Insurers then look at a number of additional factors, including risk classification, and can adjust the rate according to an employer’s specific situation.

Contact Nexus Insurance for Your Workers' Compensation Insurance Needs

Each of our agents is committed to making sure that your business has the right amount of workers' comp coverage. Your employees work hard for you --and both you and they deserve to be covered in case something unexpected happens.

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